Amin/Amen/Amon, Amun Are
Really Satanic Gods!
Dear List,
I got the following email from a guy who tried to come across like
he is someone of understanding.
But, in the end, he made himself look like a complete and total fool.
Check out what he said:
> My man, It is with great regret that I must scribe this letter to
you, however reason is a trait which has escaped you obviously.
Your words are apoplectic. You have very little theocratic acumen.
You have presented no proof or evidence that you are who you claim
to be. I now subscribe to your newsletter for amusement. You amuse
me. After taking into consideration your diatribe, innuendo, and
farce, I have come to the following conclusion: You are a shit-head.
May the Lord Bless you and keep you, for you are in need of his
intervention...truly. Amen and Amen
Damn all that you just said you idiot!
While acting like you've said something so profound, that is applied
to Christian religious leaders, which I am not, you end your lofty,
but ignorant words, by invoking the power of the Devil you fool!
You need to stop invoking the power of Satan's name while you are
trying to come across like you are someone who loves YAHWEH!
Hey fool, don't you know that Amen is the devil in a disguised form?!
So, why do you invoke the name of the devil in your statement of you
trying to sound like you are someone of high reasoning?
Oh, I know why, it's because you are ignorant as hell and can't see
it because of you focusing on some one who is truly of YAHWEH, but
not to your liking.
But, I will not leave you as ignorant as you are.
Shut up!
And, learn some sense and get the truth of the links below!
They prove that Amen is a pagan god of the Egyptians, thus making
him the devil:
Prophet Yahweh
Seer of Yahweh
the end
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