from the desk of
Seer of Yahweh
To Whom It May Concern:
The following are mainly on-line references that let us know that the god of Christianity is really a pre-Christian pagan or Satanic deity whose name was adopted into the newly formed European Christian faith as the modern name of our Messiah.
The Christians go crazy when you bring out this kind of information.
But, the thing about it is that you see the name of this pagan god in the in the name given to the Christian messiah.
The pagan god's name is ESUS god of the satanic Druids, and when you look at the name JESUS, you see the name ESUS, and even Christians can not hide that fact.
Now, the question is, what in the world is a pagan/satanic god's name doing in a non-Hebrew name for the Messiah who spoke Hebrew/Aramaic as well as his people?
I know how this came to be, and with the blessings of YAHWEH, I will reveal it to all of you as time goes on.
Email this introductory information to all your friends and post it to all your groups.
To the Christians, I say, I have not lied, but you have!
Your leaders know that the name J-esus is the name of a pagan, satanic god, and in your Christian New Testament, you tell us that there is no name under heaven whereby souls can be saved except the name of J-esus.
But, this is a recent, newly created concept that your bishops put in the New Testament when they authorized its creation.
And, it was the Christian apostle Paul, who abandoned YAHWEH for this newly created Christian religion and taught people to do the same.
But, from the time of Adam, until now (4,000 years later) men had never, ever been required to worship J-Esus for eternal life because they worshiped only YAHWEH.
This concept of eternal life based on the name of J-Esus never existed prior to the Christian movement.
It is really a newly created Christian concept that has no antiquity and that men, prior to Christianity, never heard of before, because it was foreign to them and all the holy prophets.
However, the thing about this is that in order for their J-Esus to be the only way souls can be saved, is if it was so from the beginning, up unto the flood, and after the flood, up unto the time the New Testament was created.
There would have to be a flow of such a claim from Adam to us today; however there is no such flow!
The flow of this kind of reasoning started with the rise of Christianity, not long ago, compared to how long men have been worshiping on earth.
But, if you research, what you see is that from Adam up until the time of Christianity's new reasoning, the only name whereby souls could be saved was YAHWEH!
The Creator can't possibly change the name He established from the beginning to be saved to a new name because once He makes such a decision, He can not change it unless there were conditions attached.
There were no conditions attached to His name, YAHWEH, being the only name whereby souls are saved.
YAHWEH was exclusively the only name on earth whereby souls can be saved for all times!
The Christians deceive the world by saying that YAHWEH gave all power in heaven and in earth to His son and that now people should worship his name like all Christians do today.
This means that YAHWEH gave up trying to save men with His name that he used from the beginning and that He retired His name from salvation!
This is impossible, because YAHWEH can not change, Malachi 3:6.
And, everything YAHWEH does is forever, Ecclesiastes 3:14, which states:
Now, what has happened is that the early Christians switched the name of worship to the god of the newly formed religion of Europe and have now deceived the world with it.
I can prove exactly how, when, where, and why, but I will prove it to those who have chosen to be my students.
This is what you do, study the links and the statements below, from my research, and you will never ever look at the name J-Esus the same again.
From now on, every time you see the Christian god in it, you will see the pagan god ESUS in that name.
How can you avoid it?
It's staring you right in your face!
But, all humanity has been kept ignorant of who they and their: parents, children, loved ones, and friends are really worshiping in Christianity.
Can't you see that some thing is not right with, J-Esus, the modern name for the Messiah?
I am not saying the Messiah did not come, I am saying that he came but what the Christians wrote about him is a complete and total lie!
Follow my line of reasoning below and understand who the Christians have you really worshiping.
Christian city named after Esus and is where the Ephesians came from that Paul wrote a book about.
The name Jesus is spelled Iesous in the Greek:
Jesus is also spelled as iesus in Latin:
In paragraph 1 of the sub-section: "Naming," it states: "ILsous" in the Greek translated form, which became "Iesus" in the Latinized form, which became "Jesus" in the Anglicized form..."
The letter J was originally an I as in Iesus/Jesus:
Concerning the letter "J," the Oxford English Dictionary states:
"J, the tenth letter of the alphabet in English and other languages, is, in its origin, a comparatively late modification of the letter I... In England, individual attempts to differentiate I and j were made already in the 16th century... But, though the differentiation of I and J, in form and value, was thus completed before 1640, the feeling that they were, notwithstanding, merely forms of the same letter continued for many generations... In dictionaries, the I and J words continue to be intermingled in one series down to the 19thc[entury}... Joddrell in 1820, Webster in 1828, separate I and J, as independent letters... No word beginning with J is of Old English derivation."
Also, in the World Book Encyclopedia, it states:
"J is the tenth letter of our alphabet, and was the last to be added. It developed. from the letter I... The ancient Greeks used the letter and passed it on to the Romans. In the late Middle Ages, when two or more i’s were written together, scribes often added a long tail to the last one. Later, the tail was used to indicate an initial I. During the 1600's an I at the beginning of a word was written with a tail. The J developed from these forms, and became a symbol for the consonant j, as in joy.
Christian Churches Of God, stated the following concerning the name Jesus:
2. http://www.logon.org/english/s/p063.html, in the "Commentary On Esther (No. 63)," at approximately paragraph 59 or 60, that:
"The name Jesus is a derivative of the Greek Iesous. The form was also among the Hyperborean Celts, as a third of a trinity as Esus."
"The Greek word Iesus appears to be a rendering based on the Celtic Esus, one of a triumvirate of gods found among the Hyperborean Celts (see ERE, Vol. 3, p. 278)... The name Esus probally entered Greece from the North with the Hyperborean religious system and the Mysteries... Esus was the mainland god who is pictured, on the altar at Treves, as cutting down a tree in which is a bull’s head and three cranes."
"The Druid Culture who flourished in Britain at that time believed in a trinity and they also had a messianic tradition, the Celtic Messiah was known as Esus."
2. http://www.logon.org/english/s/p174.html, "The Government of God (No. 174)," Section "God and His Government in the Family of God, sub-section "The significance of the Nature of God to the system of Government: the law system or economy of Salvation, paragraph 9 or 10:
"The Greco-Romans were faced with the problem of using the power of the Christian faith without the attendant law-order systems and the clear identification of the one true God. This theological war developed into the councils of Nicea in 325 to Chalcedon in 450-1. The development of that system into the Triune Godhead was also a feature of the other Gentile systems (i.e. in the Celts it was as Taranis, Teutates and Esus)."
Pagan Celtic Britain, by Anne Ross, page 34 states:
"The reference to the nine-score hardships endured by Odin in the ash tree Yggdrasil when he sacrificed himself to himself. ‘I know that I hung full nine nights on the windy tree wounded by the javelin (Lleu is killed by a spear), given to Odin, myself to myself.’ The fact that the Welsh episode in the oak tree is reminiscent of the passage in Havamal, and that men were repeatedly sacrificed to Esus by hanging and stabbing (p. 248) stresses the neccessity for a general investigation of religious exchanges and influences between the Celtic and Germanic peoples."
On page 248, of the same book, it states:
"Conaire’s retinue at the hostel of Da Derga is being described by a messenger. In one ‘cubicle’ (imdae) the threefold war goddess is observed and described in the following terms: ‘I beheld a trio, naked, on the ridge-pole of the house: their jets of blood coming through them, and the ropes of their slaughter on their necks. "Those I know" says he, "three" of awful boding. Those are the three that are slaughtered at every time.. The Berne Scholiast on Lucan records that men were sacrificed to the great Gaulish god Esus by being hung in trees and then stabbed so that their blood flowed and omens could be drawn from the direction in which it ran (p. 278). Moreover, the Germanic god Odin, who may have owed something of his origin to the Celts, is made to say in the Havamal: ‘I know that I hung full nine nights on the gallows tree, wounded by the javelin and given to Odin, myself to myself..."
On page 278, it states:
"The fact that the oak episode is reminiscent of the passage from the Havamal, and that men were sacrificed to Esus by hanging and stabbing, stresses the neccessity for a general investigation of religious exchanges and influences between the Celtic and Germanic peoples."
One of the trinity with Esus, was Taranis
Pagan Celtic Britain, by Anne Ross, page 278 states:
"As noted, the Celtic thunder god, Taranis, appears in conjunction with the oak tree on certain Gallo-Roman monuments, and the tree, twined with mistletoe, is represented on the Lyons silver cup on which a deity, probably Lugus himself, and an eagle also figure (p. 139, n.)..."
Pagan Celtic Britain, by Anne Ross, page 270 states:
"As birds are associated so intimately with the pagan concept of the happy other world, and regarded as a form adopted by other world beings, it is natural that the concept of the bird soul and of the singing other world birds, bestowers of joy and forgetfulness, and relievers of pain, should be transferred with ease and with little modification into a Christian milieu, itself rich in bird symbolism drawn from many traditions and mythologies. The miracle-working saint with bird attributes is not so very far removed from the wonder-working god or Druid, also possessing helpful birds or magic bird-flocks. The three stately birds on the throne of God in the Vision of Adamnan, which concentrate exclusively on their Lord:
Three stately birds moreover, in the chair (or city) in the presence of the King, and their mind on the Lord forever, that is their art.
are not fundamendally different from the pagan concepts of, for example, the three symbolic egrets on the altars to the Gaulish Esus, or the two ravens perched on the shoulders of the Celtic god from the Cote d’ Or or the Scandinavian Odin."
Pagan Celtic Britain, by Anne Ross, page 279 states:
Turning to the iconographic contexts in which the bird figures during the Gallo-Roman and Romano-British period, we find that, unlike many of the other birds which were popular in the European cults, the crane and related species continue to be represented, and there is evidence for a continuity in the cult importance of these marsh birds which is lacking in the case of many of the other species. There are two very important slabs on which marsh birds are represented, both dating from the first century A.D. The first was discovered in 1711 in the choir of the church of Notre Dame in Paris (pl. 77a). On one side of the stone, a bearded deity is figured, wearing a short tunic which leaves his right shoulder bare. He is in the act of cutting a branch from a willow tree. At his feet lies a branch that has been severed from the tree. The same tree is figured again on a fourth side of the stone, and below it stands a bulll with two large wading birds on its back and a third between its horn (pl. 77b).
The name Esus, ‘Lord, Master’ appears above the woodcutter diety, and the name TARVOSTRIGARANUS above the bull, meaning ‘The Bull with the Three Cranes’. The symbolism of this first stone is matched by that of another relief discovered in 1895 at Treves (pl. 77c). On one side Mercury, wearing a Celtic tore, is portrayed in company with Rosmerta, his consort, and the cock, his chthonic attribute. On another side of the same stone a woodcutter is depicted, almost certainly the Esus of the Paris Stone. He is engaged in cutting down a willow tree which contains the head of a bull and three large wading birds.
The name Esus, ‘Lord, Master’ appears above the woodcutter diety, and the name TARVOSTRIGARANUS above the bull, meaning ‘The Bull with the Three Cranes’. The symbolism of this first stone is matched by that of another relief discovered in 1895 at Treves (pl. 77c). On one side Mercury, wearing a Celtic tore, is portrayed in company with Rosmerta, his consort, and the cock, his chthonic attribute. On another side of the same stone a woodcutter is depicted, almost certainly the Esus of the Paris Stone. He is engaged in cutting down a willow tree which contains the head of a bull and three large wading birds.
Pagan Celtic Britain, by Anne Ross, page 280, speaking of the crane, states:
If this bird is, then, in some way connected with war, its association with a god, claimed by the first Berne commentator to be the Gaulish equivalent of Mars, does much to substantiate his claim, that is, that Esus was, in at least one of his aspects, a god of war, or at least connected in some way with military affairs."
Pagan Celtic Britain, by Anne Ross, page 292 states concerning the nature of the crane or birds associated with Celtic gods:
"It appears as a female form of metamorphosis in the insular traditions suggests that it was originally the attribute or shape assumed by some potent and formidable goddess, consort or servant of a fundamental god-type, Esus, Midir, Manannan.
paragraph 16
We believe that Classical sources tended to sensationalize Celtic religion. They were, after all, writing about foreigners whom they considered barbarians. It is the odd and "uncivilized" information that is most often reported. There is very little information on the deities themselves in these sources because the writers tend to conflate Celtic deities with their own where their worship is similar.
Thus, we get sensationalists like Lucan (1st century CE) reporting that there were three major Gods of the Gauls who demanded human sacrifice, Taranis (burning), Teutates (drowning) and Esus (hanging and wounding). The Romans had banned human sacrifice only a generation or two earlier and felt superior on this account.
Thus, we get sensationalists like Lucan (1st century CE) reporting that there were three major Gods of the Gauls who demanded human sacrifice, Taranis (burning), Teutates (drowning) and Esus (hanging and wounding). The Romans had banned human sacrifice only a generation or two earlier and felt superior on this account.
Sincerely Yours In YAHWEH's Truth,
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